Done Here.

Hey forever aloners! Ally here with some..erm… news. 

Grace and I have taken it upon ourselves to switch sites. We’re still the Forever Alone group that you love, but we just have a new look. Visit us here:

See you there!


If you’re like me, you look in the mirror and you don’t see perfection or anything that’s completely charming or attractive. 

I will admit to being 100% self-conscious and I feel that’s a major flaw that I have to live with as a person. I feel as though people judge me because I don’t have a model figure or I’m too much of a smart aleck and I take this personally. For a fact, I can name about a dozen people who have judged me in a completely negative manor, either being my clothes or my weight, or my personality. Like we can take my grandmother as an example. She hates the way that I dress and has called me fat on multiple occasions. 

Now, I know that I’m no Forever 21 model, but I’m not fat. I’m at a healthy weight for someone who is 5’8 yet sometimes I still don’t feel like I’m good enough. I have feelings that I’m too fat or I’m completely ugly. I feel as though I repel people. Another trait that might be a reason why I feel excluded is because at school where there’s tons of people whom I am not familiar with, I don’t speak. It takes a lot of courage for me to speak to someone whom I’m not affiliated with instead of my friends because I’m afraid of what people will think of what I say. 

This makes me feel so small and no one really knows this because I’m known as an intellectually advanced quiet girl, but no one knows have distraught I can get over the fact that I don’t feel good enough for people. 

Despite the fact that I still have emotional pain from this, learn from me. Being worried about your body, your personality and other people can get in the way of happiness. But if you ever feel alone in this manor, like if you think you are a complete social outcast or if you think that you are too ugly or you have no one, you have someone in the same boat; me. 

And just remember. Just be yourself. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO WITH YOURSELF. JUST MAKE IT YOUR OWN. If you have a flaw or a certain uniqueness, own it and work it girl!

When Is Everything Over?

So maybe some of it could be my fault.

I broke up with my bae for reals. Like, I made a ;ist of reasons why I broke up with him. It’s pretty dramatic.

But here’s where I get really alone:

Somewhere in the school year I really snapped. My “Best Friend” always treats me like utter Shit and when I finally snapped, I was the bad guy. Sometimes i would like to be treated nicely, told my hair is pretty, or my outfit looks good, but everyday it was the complete opposite and I was always told I was a bad person. I snapped and made that statement true.

Now I am a bad person.

All I want to do is something with my life and get away from people right now. Maybe that’s where the secodn best friend came in.

A.G. left for a  vacation and I guess she’s my number one best friend or something and she’s a really nice girl but now even she’s testy with me and it just feels like everyone is getting low on energy when it comes to me.

But A.G comes back from her vacation and I find out her and Gabbi (The first Best friend) have been hanging out ever since? I’m glad I was invited. I’m used to them hanging out without me, they live really close and they can get to each others houses easily. I live clear across town. But that isn’t my fault, is it?

Is everything my fault right now? Because it really feels like it is.

Double What.

Yes, I am back to being forever alone. I already mentioned this, but the whole story wasn’t released. My now ex-boyfriend told me that our romance was basically just fizzing out, which wasn’t true at all. I was totally smitten by this boy, BUT, that wasn’t the whole story. 

Apparently, what happened is that back in January when we started to date, I was basically his distraction from another girl, and you know what, I find that completely and utterly sh*tty. I mean, what kind of heartless bastard would do that to a girl?

I’m completely infuriated. I could use some cake. 



Fucking Cats

I have a cat. 

Big whoop, right? A lot of people have cats (Especially lonely people like me), but my cat is a dick. EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK SHE HAS TAKEN OVER THE BED. I can’t even take a pillow from her without her flipping cat shit on me. 

I just want to sleep in my own bed…


I have an amazing boyfriend. 

He’s charming, smart, adorable and he’s the probably the nicest person that I have EVER met. I am head over heels in love with him, but there’s only one problem – well, I wouldn’t call it a problem, more like an inconvenience.

There’s this other girl (who shall not be named), who literally hurls herself at him. It’s not discreet and I’ve been seeing this a lot lately. I mean, she’s his ‘friend’, but it’s starting to worry me. Like, she and him are singing a duet for a music festival and it’s a High School Musical song, so it’s for real, and apparently, they’re going to concerts together. It kind of hurts me seeing him let her allow to do this. I can actually say that this chick is climbing on him. Like, legit, laying in his lap and giving him hugs. 

Does she even know that I’m the girlfriend of him?



Okay, so admin Grace and I are in Debate and I can’t STAND it because I suck and I don’t generally like things that I suck at. But I like debate because it’s fun and I get to makeout with my boyfriend on the debate bus. What? Who said that? 

Khant, you little bitch. 

I really like philosophy. How the HELL do I not win?! 

My boyfriend is supes cute. 

Even though I have a boyfriend I still act single. I’ve been asked several times today why I’m wearing a skirt, and the only reason I am is because I really, really, don’t want to put on pants. I also binge eat as soon as I get home and sleep no pants. 

My life if fucking great. There is literally no sarcasm there. I love it. I don’t know what it was, but as soon as my loverly boyfriend came into light, I saw my life in a whole new way. It isn’t all just him. I still have issues, but what person doesn’t? Sure, I get down in the dumps, but He always manages to get me out of it. Crazy, right? Gotta go, my Debating Buddy is going to yel at me if she sees me blogging. I LOVE YOU ALL!!